Tagged t

Going down the alphabet with frizztext, T was reached and there I did not have a clue what to write about.  In the end I scanned through my photos and try to get inspiration from there and that worked.


Two temples that often are confused : the Parthenon and the Pantheon

On the Acropolis in Athens the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron deity

Because of the extensive restoration of the temple the close up photos are all full of scaffolding and therefore I prefer this picture.

tempel 1

the Parthenon on top of the Acropolis

In Rome is the Pantheon, dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome during the reign of Augustus. destroyed by a fire and rebuilt in 126 AD


the Pantheon

for more interesting information about these 2 temples

the Parthenon


the Pantheon

tagged P

With a shock I realised that I haven’t done a blog with Frizz tagged letters.  That was mainly because I could not decide which word to take.

That was when I realised that I am free to use the same letter for more than one theme.  😀

1. P for petunia

Since I can remember I loved gardening.  Maybe I was more of a nuisance than any help, but I can remember “helping” in the garden since I was a toddler.  One of the annuals my mum used  to plant and which I really liked, was petunias.  Later on when I started my own garden, they were always a natural choice.

petunias in vaatjie

young petunias in an old wine barrel


a closer view


in Mechelen

2. P for Parents

ma en pa trouportret





Dad showed him ?

We were still  apprentices in the role as parents.  2 more sons and 30 years later I realise it can never be done perfectly but we managed not too bad

N was tagged

N stands for nut

I asked my husband for a word starting with a N to help me participate in this weekly challenge from Frizz.

He came up with a VERY senseless  word and then he said NUTS

We visited a botanical garden where the inquisitive inhabitants are always on the lookout for nuts and other edible titbits. I was very lucky because they are quite shy and once they realised that you do not have anything to offer, they disappear very quickly.

some nuts for me?

some nuts for me?

would also like some.

would also like something to eat.