weekly photo challenge – green


green was given for this weeks photo challenge by the daily post.

 this wonderful colour surrounds us and always makes my pulling out my camera

Yes I know that I have used her in a previous blog, but I visit her so often and do have so many snap shots of this lady that I would like to add her again.Image

the lush green of summer



all the above pics were taken in the Botanical gardens of Leuven




young shoots with the promise of green

 to green to be green yet

The weekly story challenge – T

The weekly story challenge from frizztext has reached T

T is for TRAVEL

Hubby had to be in Rome for a series of meetings and I was so fortunate to TRAVEL with him.

What a wonderful city!  What a lovely experience.

We travelled with a relatively young Spanish airline named Vueling which took us via Barcelona.

On the second leg of our trip we had a very talkative flight captain who made his passengers aware of the landmarks we passed.

(Thank you kind sir Captain)

Mont Blanc

Aerial view of the Alps

This was the perfect end of a lovely week.


The weekly challenge from frizz: R for RETURN

This time last year we arrived here in Belgium because my husband was granted a bursary to come and do some research in his field of interest.  Originally we would have stayed for about 6 to 8 months but very soon he realised that more time was needed to reach the point where he could continue back home in South Africa.

Now we have reached the point where we start making plans for the final return . I will only be here for another 6 weeks

It was a wonderful experience.   Europe has so much more cultural history than we are used to.  Although hubby had a tight schedule and very limited time, we tried to visit as many places as possible.

Every place has a beauty of its own.  During our stay here in Belgium we missed the open skies and abundance of sunshine that we are so used to.


On the other hand we enjoyed and appreciated the change of seasons which in South Africa is definitely not as  noticeable as here.Image

And then for yet another R:  We will fly to Rome next week. I have never been there before and really look forward to it.