The weekly Photo challenge

The Sign Says

That is the youngest challenge from the daily post

This sign absolutely intrigued me.


Even a courteous thank you afterwards

(or is it a bit on the sarcastic side?)

Daily Prompt: Photographers, show us YOU.

the daily prompt for today requests photographers to show themself.

first of all this is not only me but hubby and I when we visited Interlaken

Secondly, I might have used this picture in a previous blog.  If so then I apologise




tagged U

tagged U from frizztext reminded me of  an Umbrella day


it was raining it was poring


under this umbrella the world stood still


……and more umbrellas


Jakesprinter came up with a lovely animation of windows.

He also gave the definition for a window as follows:  A window is a transparent or translucent opening in a wall, door or vehicle that allows the passage of light and air.

I will elaborate on the passage of light.  In daytime the light comes into a room through the window and by night it flows out

st T kerk

church in Sint Truiden

Tagged t

Going down the alphabet with frizztext, T was reached and there I did not have a clue what to write about.  In the end I scanned through my photos and try to get inspiration from there and that worked.


Two temples that often are confused : the Parthenon and the Pantheon

On the Acropolis in Athens the Parthenon, a temple dedicated to the goddess Athena, whom the people of Athens considered their patron deity

Because of the extensive restoration of the temple the close up photos are all full of scaffolding and therefore I prefer this picture.

tempel 1

the Parthenon on top of the Acropolis

In Rome is the Pantheon, dedicated to all the gods of ancient Rome during the reign of Augustus. destroyed by a fire and rebuilt in 126 AD


the Pantheon

for more interesting information about these 2 temples

the Parthenon


the Pantheon

Weekly Photo Challenge: PATTERNS

I just made it to be part of this weekly challenge from the daily post

The artist’s ability to reproduce the rich patterns of the lace and embroidery on the subject’s dress is really impressive.

maria trip

portrait of Maria Trip (from the internet)

Of cause that is what  I would expect from Rembrandt van Rijn.

skildery 2 kleiner

detail of the collar

skildery 3 kleiner

detail on the cuff of her dress


for a better view of his impressive work just remember to click on the picture




The appropriate weekly challenge from jakesprinter
