Travel theme: Work

Lately I have neglected the WP blogs for which I have no real reason.

One of the challenges I used to  like was Ailsa’s travel themes.  And once again she selected a very challenging theme  WORK

so without any further ado:


February 2012 INTERLAKEN




Travel theme: LIGHT

This weeks travel theme from Ailsa:  LIGHT

As a small child we used to live in a rural town and had no electricity in our home.  I loved to play with the flame of the candle and was always reprimanded about it.  Just imagine my disappointment when we moved to the city and had a switch that provided light and no flame to play with.  Off cause my mother loved the convenience of an electric stove etc.

wonderland by light

wonderland by light


fairyland by light

fairyland by light


A guiding light

A guiding light